November 5, 2021
Yesterday CMS hosted a Vaccine Mandate briefing for stakeholders across the country. Below please note links to the video of the Briefing, and below that you’ll find a link to the presentation slides, as well as additional resources, fyi.
Update: I am in touch with Brett Friedman (Interim State Medicaid Director) regarding our outstanding questions as to which (if any) OMH and OASAS Programs and Services would fall under the CMS Vaccine Mandate announced yesterday. It’s clear they are working overtime at DoH to get information out to us. I’m sure the same can be said for OASAS and OMH. I’ll let you know what I hear whenever I hear it.
Have a good weekend!
———- Forwarded message ———
From: CMS Office of Communications <>
Date: Fri, Nov 5, 2021 at 5:45 PM
Subject: COVID-19 Health Care Staff Vaccination IFC-6: Presentation Slides and Video
To: <>
Thank you for your interest in in the COVID-19 Omnibus Vaccine Rule (IFC-6). Yesterday’s stakeholder call had a limit of 10,000 participants and we exceeded that number. Please accept our apologies. CMS has posted the presentation slides and a recording of the stakeholder call for your convenience. To view the slides, visit. To view the video, visit: In addition to the resources above, CMS has prepared a frequently asked questions document, available here: Our next stakeholder call will be held on: To register in advance, visit. *Please note we can only accommodate 10,000 participants so register early to guarantee your participation.* |
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