June 16, 2023
Yesterday morning, the Office of Health Insurance Programs at DoH hosted a Webinar for stakeholders interested in newly enacted budget provisions related to the NYS Medicaid Program.
Background: Each year, the Division of Budget publishes a Medicaid Scorecard that tracks Medicaid-related provisions included in the Executive budget proposal, and then later, DoB publishes an update that tracks provisions that were included in the enacted budget. The document attached shows the specific provision, whether the action generates savings for the state or requires additional state Medicaid spending. On page 2, you will see a number of NYS Council high priority items such as the 25% rate increase for school-based mental health services. Also included are NYS Council signature budget ‘wins’ such as the pending expansion of the CCBHC Demo Program, implementation of a new CCBHC Indigent Care Pool, a proposal that will expand Article 31 Clinic capacity overall, and a provision that requires the state to expand existing licensure thresholds to expand integration of physical and behavioral health care.
I have attached several documents from yesterday’s presentation that you may find helpful. I’m waiting to receive the full Power Point used during the presentation and will share it as soon as it becomes available.
See attached documents and as always, if you have questions reach out to me at 518 461-8200 at your convenience.