November 29, 2023

On the heels of the first round of advocacy we conducted to ensure licensed DoH, OMH, OASAS and OPWDD providers were no longer on the list of ineligible providers for the NICIP grant program, we have received follow-up questions from NYS Council members who have read the fine print to include the FAQs, and have some additional questions.

The specific question we have received has to do with eligibility for a NICIP award in circumstances where the applicant organization is eligible for a Statewide Healthcare Transformation Grant.  Yesterday, I reached out to the Governor’s Office seeking clarification. The response from the Governor’s Office follows:

If the project is receiving other state funding, it is not eligible for the NICIP funds.  Here is the example DASNY gave the Governor’s Office:  Example:  You could apply to DASNY and say this pool renovation project is $15MM and we’re receiving $5MM of SAM and want to apply for NICIP for $500K and they’d say – sorry you’re not eligible.  But if you said – I have a pool filtration system that we want to upgrade for $500K (notwithstanding the $14.5MM project that the filtration system would connect to) DASNY would likely say that’s eligible as long as no other State funds are part of that project.

I hope this clarification helps.

We will discuss the NICIP RFP during our Thursday morning call tomorrow beginning at 9:15.  See you then!