January 17, 2024
1) Attached please find an updated version of a document we first circulated this morning re: executive budget proposals in the area of children’s mental health.
2) Here’s a link to an upcoming Health Management Associates (HMA) Webinar on the topic of New York’s recently approved 1115 Waiver on January 24 at 11:00 a.m.:
3) Here’s a notice from the MRT listserv regarding the 1115 Waiver:
The Office of Health Insurance Programs (OHIP) is excited to announce the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) approval of New York’s section 1115(a) demonstration waiver amendment that will allow the State to advance health equity, reduce health disparities, support the delivery of health-related social needs (HRSN) services, and promote workforce development.
Approval of the 1115 waiver amendment allows New York to make large investments across a series of wide-ranging Medicaid initiatives, including establishing Social Care Networks to integrate health, behavioral, and social care services that connect high-need members to critical nutritional and housing support services; enhancing access to coordinated and comprehensive treatment for substance use disorders; investing in primary care; and making long-term, sustainable investments in the state’s health care workforce. The 1115 waiver amendment will be supported through $7.5 billion in funding over the next three years. The CMS approval letter can be found on the New York State Department of Health website here: https://www.health.ny.gov/health_care/managed_care/appextension/docs/2024-01-09_cms_ltr.pdf, and a stakeholder webinar to walk through the waiver components will be forthcoming, so please stay tuned.
In the meantime, OHIP is excited to share the release of the New York Health Equity Reform: Social Care Networks (SCN) Request For Applications (RFA), allocating $500 Million for SCN infrastructure funding, posted on January 16, 2024 in the NYS Grants Gateway Portal. This RFA aims to strengthen the network of social care providers responsible for delivering high-quality, evidence-based, and accessible social care services and build a more resilient, flexible, and accessible social care delivery system that reduces health disparities and advances health equity, as outlined in the State’s 1115 Waiver Demonstration Amendment. Interested applicants can find the full RFA posted at the following link: IntelliGrants – Grant Opportunity Portal (ny.gov).
Additionally, OHIP has initiated the process of submitting a new 1115 amendment application to CMS that would allow children to be continuously enrolled in Medicaid and Child Health Plus from birth to age six. The Continuous Eligibility Waiver Amendment DRAFT was posted on January 16, 2024 and more information can be found on the New York 1115 Medicaid Waiver Information webpage.
The full 1115 waiver amendment press release issued by the Governor’s office can be found at the following link: Governor Hochul Announces Groundbreaking Medicaid 1115 Waiver Amendment to Enhance New York State’s Health Care System.
4) You can Governor Hochul’s Budget announcement (yesterday) here:
View Hochul’s budget address here.