March 18, 2024
Here’s a link to the first meeting of the NYS Joint Legislative General Budget Committee that is meeting now:
TODAY is an important day since the first meeting of several Joint Legislative Budget subcommittees will be meeting.
PLEASE follow the requests below and weigh in today!
COLA Talking Points/Suggested Action
1) First, thank your lawmaker for prioritizing our requested 3.2% COLA in their one-house bill. (Both the Assembly and the Senate support the enactment of a 3.2% budget in the new state budget due April 1).
2) Next, note that the COLA proposals in both the Assembly and Senate one-house bills restrict your use of these funds for wages/salaries exclusively.
3) Describe your need for flexibility when it comes to use of COLA funds. COLA must feed many mouths — you must be able to use these funds for wages/salaries AND for keeping the lights on and paying for the myriad (inflationary) expenses you incur that are associated with operating these programs (heat, electricity, health insurance, mandatory insurances, maintenance, supplies, food, etc.)
4) OASAS, OMH and OPWDD all collect excruciatingly detailed information through an attestation process that ensures providers are utilizing the COLA funds as required, and only as required.
5) REQUEST OF LAWMAKER: Thank you again for supporting our agency. Please push for a clean COLA provision in the final enacted budget that does not tie the hands of eligible agencies. Also discuss the Medicaid rate for commercial mental health and/or addictions care provided by your agency. The provision is Part AA in the Health/Mental Hygiene section of their one-house bills.