November 10, 2020
For those who may be unfamiliar with the budget making process, each year the Division of the Budget (DOB) sends a “Call Letter” to state agency leaders requesting that they submit a proposed budget for the upcoming fiscal year by a certain date. The Letter also includes specific instructions as to how the requested budget should be constructed (examples: 5% less in spending, flat budget, 3% increase in spending, etc.)
Linked here is this year’s DOB FY2022 ‘Call Letter’ that instructs state agency leaders to prepare a new budget that (amongst other things) “…reduces annual State Funds spending by a minimum of 5%.” The Letter goes on to say: “… In addition, new funding for capital projects will be strictly limited to urgent health and safety investments and those critical for the State recovery.”
Let’s hope that a recently released Comptroller’s Report that anticipates an additional $3.4B in tax revenues in this fiscal year, is real and will help to mitigate potential cuts.
Tune in to our weekly NYS Council Provider Support & Public Policy Meetings on Thursday mornings from 9:15 – 10:00 for a broader discussion of NYS finances, the likelihood (and timing) of federal intervention, the current status of NYS Council high priority advocacy issues and more.
Call in information as follows:
DIAL: 1 712 775-7035 PARTICIPANT CODE: 935759#