With two COVID-19 vaccines now in distribution, and more on the way, many employers have asked about the legalities involved in asking employees to become vaccinated. This presentation will provide guidance for employers to help navigate questions related to the FDA’s emergency use authorization, mandatory vaccination policies, and employee requests for disability-related and religious accommodations.
Register here:
January 29 – https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_eyMtYykCSsWNpIf78t-BXg
February 4 – https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_AdS8TE7CTy-ngPcljGm7UQ
The following provider associations are offering this event to their respective memberships: MHANYS, The Coalition for Behavioral Health, NYAPRS, NYS Council for Community Behavioral Healthcare, ASAP, ACL NYS, SHNNY, NYS Coalition for Children’s Behavioral Health, COMPA, NAMI NYS, NYS Care Management Coalition and Families Together in NYS.