Slide Deck: OMH CMHS Block Grant Feedback Sessions

April 23, 2021

Last week advocates representing various membership associations and stakeholder groups had an opportunity to talk with OMH leads regarding our members’ priorities for use of federal funds coming in to NYS as result of recent SAMHSA Community Mental Health Services block grant increases (for states).

As you know, OMH is currently hosting stakeholder feedback sessions for providers and others around the state.  Attached is the Power Point slide deck the Office is using to stimulate feedback from participants during the calls.

Please consider the slides as you prepare for your participation in the regional (virtual) feedback calls hosted by OMH.  It is worth reviewing the slide deck if only to enhance your understanding of the OMH vision for its’ service delivery system going forward.

The note below is from Ben Rosen at the OMH Office of Planning.———–

Thank you again for meeting with OMH last week and providing input on the utilization of expanded CMHS Block Grant and enhanced FMAP funding. Attached are the slides we are using to guide discussion in the regional meetings, three of which are slated for next week (NYC, Western NY, Central NY). If you have members or other contacts who would like to participate in any of these meetings, registration is available here: Have a nice weekend!

Ben Rosen
Office of Planning
New York State Office of Mental Health
44 Holland Avenue, Albany, NY 12229