October 15, 2021
Good morning,We wanted to re-send information we first shared in August regarding a Notice of Public Rulemaking establishing standards for Crisis Stabilization Centers. The public comment period will end on 10/18/21.
- Part 600 – Crisis Stabilization Centers.
OMH Text | State Register Notice The Office of Mental Health (OMH) has filed a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking creating a new Part 600 to implement Article 36 of the Mental Hygiene Law by establishing standards for Crisis Stabilization Centers which provide a full range of psychiatric and substance use services within a defined geographic area. Crisis Stabilization Centers will provide an array of services as set-forth in this Part and any guidance and standards jointly issued by the Office of Mental Health (OMH) and The Office of Addiction Services and Supports (OASAS).The notice of proposed rule making was published in issue #33 of the State Register dated August 18, 2021 on page 18. The public comment period will end on Monday, October 18, 2021.