September 28, 2022
The Federal Notice related to a variety of rate changes, including CFTSS rates, was published today. (See pasted information at bottom of this email, and for CFTSS in particular, see yellow highlighted information).
I have linked (directly below) the fee schedules (published on DOH’s/OMH’s websites) which show the increases, as well as the 5.4% COLA increase applied to CFTSS and HCBS, for your information.
——————————-PUBLIC NOTICE
Department of Health
Pursuant to 42 CFR Section 447.205, the Department of Health
hereby gives public notice of the following:
The Department of Health proposes to amend the 1915(c) Consolidated Children’s waiver permitting the State to make several substantive changes on or after March 1, 2023 and to apply for a 1915(b)(4) waiver to establish and authorize limited contracting for Financial
Management of some of the new waiver services that are proposed.
The following changes are proposed:
The Children’s Waiver will be amended to establish and authorize
payment for Financial Management Services (FMS) provided to
children/youth in the Medicaid fee for service delivery system requiring Adaptive and Assistive Technology, Environmental Modifications,
and Vehicle Modifications, and also Transitional Services and Goods
and Services, which are newly proposed. The FMS will be provided
by designated Lead Health Homes Serving Children under a
1915(b)(4) waiver.
The 1915(c) Children’s Waiver will additionally be amended to
1. Transitional Care Coordination Service,
2. Enhance Respite services by adding a medical component
3. Updates will be made to Vehicle Modifications provisions relating to modification costs and payment for driver modifications,
4. Update rates for new respite group sizes and planned respite
changes to align with the Home and Community-Based Settings Final
Rule requirements,
5. Update rate reimbursement methodology including allowances
for rural rates. The new methodology will allow for rate adjustment
changes, subject to state budget requirements and legislative approval.
6. Expand palliative care provider qualifications to improve
workforce availability and remove “life threatening illness by age 21”
language in the definition of these services, and;
7. Update the qualifications of professionals permitted to perform
HCBS Level of Care evaluations to include Local Counties of Mental
Health Single Points of Access (SPOAs) staff for children/youth being
discharged from institutional levels of care.
The public is invited to review and comment on this proposed
waiver amendment, a copy of which will be available for public review
on the Department’s website at
state_plans/status. Individuals without Internet access may view the
proposed waiver at any local (county) social services district.
For further information and to review and comment, please contact:
Department of Health, Children’s Health Home Team, 99 Washington
Ave., One Commerce Plaza, Suite 1432, Albany, NY 12210,
Department of Health
Pursuant to 42 CFR Section 447.205, the Department of Health
hereby gives public notice of the following:
The Department of Health proposes to amend the Title XIX
(Medicaid) State Plan for non-institutional services consistent with
New York State Mental Hygiene Laws § 7.15 and § 43.02. The following changes are proposed:
Non-Institutional Services
Effective on or after October 1, 2022, the New York State Office of
Mental Health will amend the New York Medicaid State Plan for rehabilitation services provided in Community Residence (CR) programs.
The amendments are intended to codify and comprehensively describe
existing service coverage, eligibility and reimbursement standards.
There is no estimated change to gross Medicaid expenditures as a
result of this proposed amendment.
The public is invited to review and comment on this proposed State
Plan Amendment, a copy of which will be available for public review
on the Department’s website at
state_plans/status. Individuals without Internet access may view the
State Plan Amendments at any local (county) social services district.
For further information and to review and comment, please contact:
Department of Health, Division of Finance and Rate Setting, 99
Washington Ave., One Commerce Plaza, Suite 1432, Albany, NY
Department of Health
Pursuant to 42 CFR Section 447.205, the Department of Health
hereby gives public notice of the following:
The Department of Health proposes to amend the Title XIX
(Medicaid) State Plan for non-institutional services.
Non-Institutional Services
State established rates for state-plan approved Children and Family
Treatment and Support Services (CFTSS) will continue the additional
25 percent enhancement initially authorized as a temporary increase
under provisions of Section 9817 of the American Rescue Plan Act of
2021 (ARPA). Effective on or after October 1, 2022, the following
CFTSS rate enhancements will continue under the state-plan: Other
Licensed Practitioners (OLP), Community Psychiatric Supports and
Treatment (CPST), Psychosocial Rehabilitation (PSR), Youth Peer
Support (YPS), Crisis Intervention (CI) and Family Peer Support Services (FPSS).
The estimated net aggregate increase in gross Medicaid expenditures as a result of the proposed amendments for CFTSS services is $1,167,032.
The public is invited to review and comment on this proposed State
Plan Amendment, a copy of which will be available for public review
on the Department’s website at
state_plans/status. Individuals without Internet access may view the
State Plan Amendments at any local (county) social services district.
For further information and to review and comment, please contact:
Department of Health, Division of Finance and Rate Setting, 99
Washington Ave., One Commerce Plaza, Suite 1432, Albany, NY
Department of Health
Pursuant to 42 CFR Section 447.205, the Department of Health
hereby gives public notice of the following:
The Department of Health proposes to amend the Title XIX
(Medicaid) State Plan for non-institutional services to comply with
1945 of the Social Security Act and other enacted statutory provisions.
The following changes are proposed:
Non-Institutional Services
Effective on or after October 1, 2022, the proposed amendment
adds an annual assessment fee to the Health Home program to ensure
that any child eligible for Home and Community-Based Services
(HCBS) under a waiver, demonstration, or State Plan authority will be
eligible to receive an annual HCBS Eligibility Determination assessment under the Health Home program.
The estimated net aggregate increase in gross Medicaid expenditures attributable to this initiative is approximately $2,000,000. All
children receiving HCBS already receive care management under the
existing authorities.
The public is invited to review and comment on this proposed State
Plan Amendment, a copy of which will be available for public review
on the Department’s website at
state_plans/status. Individuals without Internet access may view the
State Plan Amendments at any local (county) social services district.
For further information and to review and comment, please contact:
Department of Health, Division of Finance and Rate Setting, 99
Washington Ave., One Commerce Plaza, Suite 1432, Albany, NY