FEMA Public Assistance Program
May 5, 2020
Good morning, After today’s NYS Council COVID-19 Provider Support Call, I received the following information from Emil Slane’s office regarding the FEMA Public Assistance Program we touched on briefly this morning:
- The 1st attachment is a list of upcoming Applicant Briefings and registration links. These briefings are hosted by Department of Homeland Security, and provide a wealth of information regarding organization eligibility requirements, processes for submitting for reimbursement, and contact information. I cannot encourage you enough to attend and/or for organizations you work with to attend … the question and answer period at the end is also incredibly helpful!
- The 2nd attachment is an in-house list of items we have interpreted as eligible, ineligible, or not yet determined.
- The final attachment is a copy of the Applicant Briefing presentation and is a good reference resource – though I don’t think it should substitute for actually listening in the a briefing.