OMIG Audit Reform Bill: Advocacy Update

March 27, 2023

Last December, Governor Hochul vetoed the OMIG Audit Reform bill passed by the Assembly and the Senate earlier in the year.  The veto occurred despite our having brought together a broad coalition of associations and coalitions that worked together to secure changes to the OMIG Medicaid audit process.  The NYS Council also had several meetings with representatives from the Governor’s Office in which we addressed the concerns presented to us by the Governor’s representatives as they contemplated final action on the bill.

The Governor’s veto message instructed OMIG to work with the Medicaid provider community.  Recently the NYS Council secured a meeting with Medicaid Inspector General Frank Walsh, members of the OMIG exec team, and representatives from the Governor’s Office.  Our colleagues from COMPA, CPNYS and The Federation joined us for the call.  During the meeting, we learned that the OMIG intends to conduct regional meetings around the state, to gather feedback from providers and other stakeholders regarding the audit process.  Upon learning this information we reiterated that the bill vetoed by the Governor reflected the concerns and priorities of over 50 associations and coalitions that represent Medicaid providers, all of whom supported the reforms embedded in the bill.  We also reminded our state colleagues that providers are not likely to air their concerns and frustrations with OMIG audit tactics in front of its leaders, given the power differential that exists between providers and the Office.

Regardless of the outcome of any events hosted by OMIG, we have updated the bill that was vetoed last year. Assembly Health Chair Amy Paulin has agreed to sponsor it. Last week the bill (amended and updated by our attorney) was sent to the Legislative Bill Drafting Department.  This could take some time, but we hope to work the bill during the second portion of the legislation session.

We will keep you updated as to the status of the bill that is currently with Legislative Bill Drafting, and we will review the main concepts of the amended legislation shortly.