Antitrust Conversation Continues

April 18, 2023

Last October the NYS Council hosted a training for our members entitled ‘Antitrust Laws and Implications for Behavioral Health Providers’.  Our guide for the discussion was Adam Falcone who advises our association on matters including contracting, compliance, and related topics.  The archived recording of that training (along with the two-part contracting training Adam did for us in December 2022 and January, 2023) are posted on our website in the Archived Events section.  Our Website is located at:

More recently, Adam joined us for one of our Thursday morning meetings during which time he discussed a new development – a recent DoJ pullback of certain ‘safety zones’ for sharing and exchanging of information by competing providers.  The ‘safety zones’ were in place as the result of established Policy Statements issued jointly by the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) and Federal Trade Commission (FTC).  The DoJ pullback of the Policy Statements has implications for providers,  associations and provider networks, as discussed in the attached memorandum from Adam.

Update: Earlier today I attended a National Council meeting where Adam Falcone updated association executives from across the country regarding the DoJ pullback.  Attached please find the PowerPoint presentation Adam used to guide the discussion.

Hope this information helps.  If you have questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out at your convenience.  I’m at 518 461-8200.