June 10, 2023
Yesterday was a difficult one as we pulled out all the stops to compel Assembly leads to move our OMIG Audit Reform bill to the calendar for a full up or down vote. Unfortunately, the bill did not move out of the Ways and Means Committee. The Assembly adjourned today without having finished its business for the year, and several lawmakers (and media outlets) have confirmed the Assembly will be back in Albany in shortly, to finish up. This leaves us with more time to meet with Assembly leads to see if there is a road forward with the bill. Having said this, and while we expect the Assembly to return , it does not appear the Senate has plans to do the same, presumably before January. That means that any amending we might be willing to do of our bill would not necessarily result in enactment since the Senate would first need to return to Albany, amend their version of the bill to match the negotiated changes, and then vote on the amended bill. Regardless of the odds, we will do everything possible to revive the OMIG Audit Reform bill.
The other bill we’ve been pushing for, A07316 that would extend face-to-face rates for tele health services until 4/1/2026, and that would ensure FQHCs are extended the same rate parity (payment at the face to face rate) in situations where neither the clinician or the client are on agency premises, moved to the Assembly Rules Committee yesterday which was great news that ordinarily sets up a bill to get a vote but the bill got caught in the rush for Assemblymembers to return to their districts, and so it is our understanding the bill may be addressed upon return of the Assembly.
Importantly, Clean Slate legislation passed in both houses. Yesterday we sent everyone a detailed summary of what’s in the bill.
Finally, and as you may have heard, the Assembly, Senate and Executive were unable to agree on a major housing package. The fingers are being pointed, and so the upside of the Assembly taking a break may be that the houses will now get a break from one another, from the Governor, and the politics surrounding this and other hot button issues.