OASAS SAPT Supp 12 – Update

June 15, 2023

Earlier this week OASAS pulled together association leads from various groups that represent OASAS providers to discuss the status of the OASAS SAPT Supplemental 1 initiatives and spending.

Please review the communication (below) and the documents (attached) and contact Constance Burke or Debbi Davis at OASAS if you need assistance.   Of course, if you need my assistance, do not hesitate to reach out to me at 518 461-8200.




Good afternoon,

Thank you for joining the call earlier this week for the status update on SAPT Supplemental 1 initiatives and spending.  I promised to send information on the no cost extension periods for SAPT Supp 1 funded initiatives and was unexpectedly out of the office for a few days.  

Please find the referenced table (linked below).  The tables provide information on how many additional months were added to the contract period for each initiative listed and the revised contract end date. 

Contracts SAPT Supp 1 Contract Extensions

Supp SAPT Transportation and Care Coordination Expense Report_blank

Providers have 45 days from the end of the contract period to submit expense reports.  As Debbi mentioned, each initiative has a custom expense report which can be found on the SAPT Supplemental Initiatives page on the OASAS website.  Supplemental Block Grant Funding Initiatives | Office of Addiction Services and Supports (ny.gov)

The end date for the next group of initiatives is 9/14/2023 and includes:

Medication Delivery Services (link to expense report form https://oasas.ny.gov/blank-expense-report-instructions-medication-delivery-system), and, Transportation/Care Coordination (expense report attached) 

I will add a status update meeting to the calendar to recur every two months with this group. 

If you have any questions regarding the NCE period for the initiatives, please to not hesitate to reach out to Debbi Davis and me.

