Advocacy Alert re: Prescriber Prevails

March 30, 2020

As you know, we are in the final days of the NYS budget negotiations but Medicaid discussions are expected to conclude tonight. The repeal of prescriber prevails is still being considered, so your voice is critical today! 

Please CALL and/ or TAG the following NYS Legislators on social media TODAY to encourage them to protect prescriberprevails! Talking points and sample social media posts are included below. 

  • Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie
    • Phone: 518-455-3791
    • Facebook: @adowdCarlE.Heastie
    • Twitter: @CarlHeastie
  • Senate Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins
    • Phone: 518-455-2585
    • Facebook: @Andrea.StewartCousins
    • Twitter: @AndreaSCousins
  • Senate Health Chair Gustavo Rivera
    • Phone: 518-455-3395
    • Facebook: @Hon.Gustavo.Rivera
    • Twitter: @NYSenatorRivera
  • Assembly Health Chair Richard Gottfried
    • Phone: 518-455-4941
    • Facebook: @RichardNGottfried
    • Twitter: @DickGottfried

Prescriber prevails is an important patient protection that allows patients and their health care providers to have the final say over medication decisions. Without it, vulnerable Medicaid patients could be left without protections for necessary medications. 

Talking Points:

  • Prescriber prevails is an important patient protection that allows patients and their health care providers to have the final say over medication decisions. 
  • Patients and their health care providers face challenges when it comes to finding proper treatment, because no illness comes in a one-size-fits-all form.
  • Treatment response varies based on an individual’s age, ethnicity, and comorbidities, making it crucial that health care providers have the ability to select medications best suited to treat their patients’ unique needs.
  • Access to medications best suited to treat patients’ conditions is a crucial step toward achieving optimal health outcomes in Medicaid.
  • Please fight for New York patients and protect prescriber prevails in the final budget.

Facebook Post: 

No illness is one-size-fits-all. Health care providers need the ability to select medications best suited to treat their patients’ unique needs. Prescriber prevails ensures patients & their health care providers have the final say over health decisions! @Andrea.StewartCousins, @CarlE.Heastie, @RichardNGottfried, & @Hon.Gustavo.Rivera please stand up for patients & protect #PrescriberPrevails in the final budget!


Prescriber prevails is an important protection that allows #patients & their #healthcare providers to have the final say over medication decisions. @AndreaSCousins, @CarlHeastie, @DickGottfried, & @NYSenatorRivera please protect #PrescriberPrevails in the final budget!

QUESTIONS?  Send a note to or call at your convenience 518-461-8200.