March 31, 2022
Please send the flyer (attached) to the members of the Assembly Insurance Committee, and especially to the Chair of the Assembly Insurance Committee, Kevin Cahill using the information at the link below. You can also use the attached contact information to contact your lawmaker using a different vehicle such as Twitter.
A possible deal regarding Telehealth is NOT dead at this time but we do need to counteract the latest pushback, that providers are not offering face to face care to those seeking FTF services.
Here’s a link to the page on the Assembly website that lists the members of the Assembly Insurance Committee: If you are in a district represented by one of these lawmakers, it is particularly important for you to weigh in with your representative RIGHT NOW. The message is that your agency must have rate parity in order to continue to be able to offer telehealth services as part of the toolbox of options available to those in your care.