March 25, 2022
Good morning,
We hope that many NYS Council member agency representatives took the time yesterday to make a few calls to legislative leaders in support of 3 NYS Council state budget priorities:
- 11% COLA to include Health Home Care Managers and the NYS Supportive Housing Program under OTDA and (going forward) COLA linked to the annual July CPI-U;
- Telehealth Rate Parity reimbursement in Medicaid AND commercial / private health insurance
- Immediate action to convene the Opioid Advisory Board and move funds received by NYS into the communities that need these resources
Important Notes:
- Executive budget Part FF that directs the funds we worked so hard to compel the state to collect from MCOs that did not meet expenditure targets to reinvest with OASAS and OMH ($222M) is still in the budget, and now includes our additional language that requires yearly reporting and heightened transparency regarding health plan performance around expenditure targets AND requires the state to report on what funds were collected and from whom, how the state calculated how much the plans must return to the state when they don’t hit their targets, and where the funds went, is still in the budget.
- Our language that requires the state to provide formal notice to the public of any changes made to the state’s Model Contract – the document that lays out the contract terms (in Medicaid managed care) between the state and MCOs, and between MCOs and providers, is still in play.
- Our request that NY’s Statewide Healthcare Facilities Transformation Program – Round iV include a set aside of funds for CBOs is still in play.
As three-way budget negotiations continue, we need all hands on deck. Although most lawmakers are NOW back in their districts, legislative leaders and their staff are in Albany negotiating budget agreements and we must be loud everyday for the next week.
Today we are (again) conducting a Call In effort in conjunction with our MH and SUD advocacy partners in support of a final budget agreement that includes an 11% COLA.
Please see the flyer (attached) and use the information provided to join the chorus of voices here in Albany and around the state in support of our request for substantial financial assistance.