Announcement: Partnership for Integrated Care Office Hours w/ Virna Little

September 5, 2023



Partnership for Integrated Care Office Hours

Have Questions on Integrated Care? Ask Virna Little!

We know it’s hard to get answers to questions around integrating care! Our office hours are meant to give real-time answers to questions you may have.

Join Our Open Call In Office Hours: Click here or on the link below to register in advance, or join during the office hour event. Organizations of all types are welcome to join to “listen “ in for the entire event or to call in with specific questions.Session Date: September 15, 2023, 2pm EST

Facilitator : Virna Little, PsyD, LCSWr
Virna Little has extensive experience in New York and nationally assisting organizations of all types develop integrated delivery systems.

Some Potential or Suggested Questions or Topics for Discussion………

  • What are models of integrated care?
  • Are there resources to help me integrate care? If so what are they and how can I access them?
  • How can I bill or code for the screenings integrated care activities  I am doing, such as care coordination,  or the extra time my team is spending with the individuals we care for?
  • How can I add people to my team to promote integrated care?
  • Who are the best individuals to add and what reimbursement opportunities are there?
  • I have heard a lot about population health, where do I start?
  • My staff are struggling to integrate care, what trainings or resources are available to help?
  • Are there resources to help me understand where my organization is on a scale of integrated care levels?

The Partnership for Integrated Care – a collaborative of the  Association for Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Providers(NYS), NYS Council for Community Behavioral Healthcare, and The Coalition for Behavioral Health- and funded by NYSOMH, OASAS, and the NY Community Trust, is committed to helping behavioral health organizations around NYS to further integrate ca for people with mental health, substance use and medical challenges.

Register Here