Announcement: Two New NYS Council Member Agency Workgroups

October 24, 2022

The NYS Council for Community Behavioral Healthcare is pleased to announce the launch of ​two workgroups designed to support our members who currently
participate in, ​or who want to become involved in the CCBHC Program in New York State.

To ​increase ​​communication ​between ​NYS Council CCBHC Demo agencies, to share lessons learned, and to plan and implement advocacy that ​will resolve ​problems with the​ initiative, ​the NYS Council will host a statewide workgroup for the federal CCBHC Demo agencies within our membership.  The first meeting of this workgroup will take place on November 10 from 10:30 – 11:30 via Zoom. 

In addition to the federal Demo Program, over the past 3 years SAMHSA has awarded a total of 48 CCBHC Expansion Grants to eligible providers in NYS. 
Awardees receive a subsidy to establish services that resemble CCBHC programs and services; however, the Expansion Grants are limited in terms of award amount and duration.

To increase the likelihood of success of NYS Council member agencies with current Expansion Grants, and to educate potential applicants regarding the Program, the NYS Council will host a statewide workgroup to support these providers. The first meeting of this workgroup will take place on November 14 from 10-11:00 am via Zoom.

To ensure member agency success and to maximize return on investment of your time and resources, the NYS Council will bring national experts to our workgroup tables as needed.

To register to join one of these workgroups, please have one representative from your agency who will coordinate your agency participation going forward contact Cindy Levernois at: Cindy will need the name of your agency, names of all attendees, which workgroup you are registering for, and a good phone number for the person coordinating your staff.

Any questions? Call Lauri at 518 461-8200 at your convenience.