October 28, 2020
The following Notice was posted in today’s NY State Register:
Department of Health
Pursuant to 42 CFR Section 447.205, the Department of Health
hereby gives public notice of the following:
The Department of Health proposes to amend the Title XIX
(Medicaid) State Plan for non-institutional services to comply with
Title 14 NYCRR Parts 822 and 841 and 42 CFR 440.130(d). The following changes are proposed:
Non-Institutional Services
The COVID emergency SPA covering the NYS Office of Addiction Services and Supports (OASAS) Opioid Treatment Programs (OTPs)
ends on January 21, 2021. That SPA permitted billing weekly OTP (Opioid Treatment Programs) bundles under a methodology similar to that of Medicare. Effective on or after January 1, 2021, OASAS proposed to establish those bundled rates as a permanent alternative to the OTP Ambulatory Patient Group (APG) methodology. Each week, for any given patient, the provider must choose to bill under either the APG methodology or the bundled weekly rates, generally based on the amount of face-to-face contact with the patient during that week and the specific services provided.
There is no additional estimated annual change to gross Medicaid expenditures as a result of this proposed amendment.
The public is invited to review and comment on this proposed State Plan Amendment, a copy of which will be available for public review
on the Department’s website at http://www.health.ny.gov/regulations/ state_plans/status. (If the link is broken please copy the entire link into your browser and hit ‘enter’.
Individuals without Internet access may view the State Plan Amendments at any local (county) social services district.
For the New York City district, copies will be available at the following places:
New York County
250 Church Street
New York, New York 10018
Queens County, Queens Center
3220 Northern Boulevard
Long Island City, New York 11101
Kings County, Fulton Center
114 Willoughby Street
Brooklyn, New York 11201
Bronx County, Tremont Center
1916 Monterey Avenue
Bronx, New York 10457
Richmond County, Richmond Center
95 Central Avenue, St. George
Staten Island, New York 10301
For further information and to review and comment, please contact:
Department of Health, Division of Finance and Rate Setting, 99
Washington Ave., One Commerce Plaza, Suite 1432, Albany, NY
12210, spa_inquiries@health.ny.gov