May 10, 2022
As discussed during recent NYS Council Public Policy calls, our association has prioritized 3 issues for the second half of the 2022 legislative session (underway):
1) Scope of Practice (who can diagnose) and Unlicensed Staff / Workforce Exemption sunset 6/24/22
2) OMIG Reform bill
3) A bill requiring the state to post specific information on the DoH Website and in the State Register listing changes being made to the state’s Medicaid managed care contract. Earlier in the year we learned that the state had previously changed some of the performance metrics the MCOs are held to, and it also built in greater protections for the MCOs. This was done without stakeholder knowledge. We believe providers and other stakeholders have a right to know what changes are being made by the state to the state/MCO contract especially since the terms of the initial contracts were agreed upon by a broad group of stakeholders before the carve in of our services to MMC. Changes to the guardrails we put in place initially that serve to level the playing field and ensure the vast majority of funds the state pays MCOs are spent on actual care for beneficiaries, is significant. Transparency is required and we are (again) on a mission!
Here’s an update:
OMIG Reform bill – The bill moved today from Senate Finance to the Senate floor (now awaiting a full house vote). In the Assembly, discussion are continuing re: a section of the bill that would prohibit the OMIG from extrapolating findings in instances of administrative error. Conversations are ongoing.
In the meantime, a group of 11 associations signed on to a joint Memo in Support (attached). We just sent the Memo to Assemblyman Gottfried and Senator Harckham as the sponsors of the bills, to assist them with their ongoing stewardship of the bills. It is our understanding that the Senate wants to move our OMIG Reform bill as part of a larger Senate Opioid Taskforce package.
Scope of Practice/Unlicensed Staff/Exemption of our Workforce
The proposal I briefed NYS Council members on last week during our Public Policy call is still being discussed. Marcy and I have meetings tomorrow with several legislative offices that have a key role in the ongoing negotiations. Remember: What we shared with you last Thursday is still just a proposal.
Model Contract Transparency
Assembly is moving the bill swiftly. We are working to identify a Senate sponsor who will do same.