February 4, 2023
Exec Budget Notes from Lauri:
First, the 2.5% COLA applies to the following state agencies: OMH, OASAS, OPWDD, SOFA, OTDA, OCFS
Next, there are 3 appropriations that have little to no detail but could positively impact OASAS reimbursement for certain programs and services. We need more details as to the purpose of these funds:
OASAS: Budget approps additional $4M for OASAS Outpatient Clinics (NOTE: Previous version mistakenly said OMH)
OASAS: Budget appropriates $5M for Residential OASAS Services
Crisis Services: An additional $2M for OASAS Crisis Services
Also, the Budget would create a joint license process between OMH and OASAS for ‘CCBHCs’. Existing CCBHCs in the federal demonstration would be certified under this new licensure “where the clinic demonstrates compliance with the certification standards. Note: This is puzzling since existing CCBHC-Demos must currently have integrated licenses. We wonder if this provision is directed at NEW Demos Clinics that would come online as result of proposed CCBHC-D expansion. We need more information before we can be sure.
Finally, the proposal includes a discussion of implementation of an Indigent Care Pool to assist certain CCBHC providers with uncompensated care expenses. It is not crystal clear as to whether this is only for existing Demo clinics, or existing Demos plus those that would be brought online under the proposed expansion of the Demo Program. We will get clarity. The proposal also clearly states that the appropriated amounts over the next 3 years will be halved if NYS does not get the federal match for these payments to eligible CCBHC clinics.