December 18, 2020
CARA 2.0 legislation has been introduced on the hill. The bill would, among other things, codify the ability for providers to prescribe medications via tele health without an in-person visit and would allow Medicare coverage for audio-only tele health treatment, again without relying on special executive orders or deeming to do so.
The National Council has produced a Fact Sheet on the objectives of the bill.
Below please find a link to Senator Rob Portman’s website and specifically, a summary of the provisions of the bill. Portman is one of the sponsors of the bill, and a friend to our field.
The NYS Council intends to work aggressively to see passage of this bill. It’s not likely the bill will get a full vote on the floor of the Senate before the 116th Congress adjourns. It is more likely it will be the subject of negotiations during the first term of the 117th Congress.