May 9, 2022
For those NYS Council member agencies that are considering applying for either of the recently announced CCBHC Expansion Grant Funding Opportunities, please note that you will need to submit a Letter of Support from the State along with your application. This is true for both those that have previously received an Expansion Grant, as well as those that have not. I spoke with Bob Blaauw at OMH yesterday. SAMHSA advises that any application submitted without such a letter will be considered incomplete, and will not be considered for award initially. If, after reviewing and determining approvals, SAMHSA has more awards available, they might give providers another opportunity to obtain and submit such a letter.
Requests for a Letter from either OASAS or OMH should be submitted to the same general CCBHC email at CCBHC@omh.ny.GOV. OMH and OASAS are working together on this, and OMH is maintaining a list of providers that have requested a letter from either state agency. Using the single mailbox will help ensure requests are not overlooked.
Your submission to SAMHSA is due May 17, 2022, and waiting to request a letter could jeopardize your getting it from the state. Do not send your request for a letter to the Commissioner’s Office at OMH or OASAS. Send it to the mailbox at the address listed above.
Good luck with your application!