CCBHC Integrated License Proposal in Executive Budget

February 8, 2023

Several NYS Council members have questions about a proposal in the executive budget that would create a joint licensure process between OMH and OASAS for CCBHC Demo agencies.

Background:  Up until now Demos have had to have an OMH Outpatient Article 31, an OASAS Article 32 -Part 822 Clinic AND be approved for an Integrated Output license  – but the latter only applies to the clinic component of the CCBHC Demo.  And, at the present time Demos are not truly certified by the state.  Instead, the state designates that the Demo agency meets all of the standards and criteria. The executive budget proposal would create an actual certification category (and process) called CCBHC Certification, with its own set of program regulations, etc.  

Last year SAMHSA hosted a public comment period as it began to update CCBHC Demo certification criteria.  The state and CCBHC stakeholders await the update from SAMHSA.  State agency leaders are interested in whether states will retain the flexibility they had at the beginning of the Demo program.  And , it is possible SAMHSA will update the certification criteria and allow CCBHC Demo applicants to formally contract out through the identification of what are called Designated Collaborating Organizations, or DCOs, to provide more of the 9 unique service categories the Demo agency must offer under the federal rules for the Program.