Children’s HCBS Eligibility Determination – CHANGE

July 3, 2019


One of the options to assist assessors with completing the Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) Level of Care (LOC) Eligibility Determination, is the ability to link an existing CANS-NY for the functional criteria component of the HCBS Eligibility Determination.

Currently, the State is requesting that all assessors immediate stop utilize the “Linking CANS-NY” option within the HCBS Eligibility Determination.

Due to an unforeseen technical issue the linking of CANS-NY is prohibited until further notice.  To complete the HCBS LOC determinations all users will need to complete the assessment by:

    1. Selecting a new HCBS LOC determination in the HCS UAS
    2. Select the target population
    3. Answer the risk questions
    4. Completing the Functional criteria (as appropriate for the Target Population
    5. Attesting to the having a signed LPHA form (if applicable)
    6. Signing and finalizing the assessment


If you have any questions or require additional information, please contact the HHSC team at 518-473-5569 or via email at