July 25, 2022
This afternoon we sent the following note (below) and document (attached) to leaders at DoH/OHIP, OASAS and OMH to include New York’s State Medicaid Director, both O agency commissioners, and numerous executive staff.
Please let us know your thoughts.
Good afternoon,
I hope this note finds you well.
Throughout the 2022 legislative session, the NYS Council vigorously supported the executive budget proposal that would require New York State to implement a competitive procurement for contracting with MCOs. While the proposal was not enacted, we remain hopeful that the requirement for a report from an outside consultant will result in a set of recommendations that includes that New York should move to competitively procure contracts in all areas of Medicaid managed care, via administration action.
Attached please find a document we prepared for your review and consideration as you move forward with this important initiative. As we have learned, there is significant room for improvement with regards to current surveillance, monitoring and enforcement of the laws, regulations and contract provisions related to the carve in of Medicaid services to managed care. The NYS Council believes that there should be a competitive procurement of contracts for the entire Medicaid managed care program. This is one of the only ways to remedy the serious problems providers continue to experience as they attempt to conduct business with MCOs.
Thank you for your consideration.
Lauri Cole