Healthcare Worker Bonus (HWB) Program – Employer Survey

November 30, 2022

In response to provider outreach, The New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH) has defined a process to ensure non-payable, Managed Care Only and OPRA (Ordering, Prescribing, Referring, Attending) providers who otherwise meet the eligibility criteria as defined for the Healthcare Worker Bonus (HWB), have a means in which to register for the HWB Program.

NYSDOH is releasing a survey for enrolled Medicaid providers who meet the eligibility criteria for the HWB but are enrolled with a non-payable status in eMedNY. This includes Managed Care Only and OPRA enrollment status. This survey is intended for Employers only. Only Employers that do not currently have an HWB Program registration should complete this survey. NYSDOH will be in contact with additional information on how to register once the survey is closed.

If you are an enrolled provider in eMedNY with a status of Managed Care Only or OPRA, and have reviewed the Qualified Employer Section of the NYSDOH HWB Program website and determined you are an eligible Employer, please complete the below survey within five (5) business days. The survey will remain open until December 6, 2022.

Healthcare Workers Bonus (HWB)— Survey for OPRA & Managed Care Only Providers

For more information on the HWB Program, please visit the NYSDOH HWB Program webpage which also includes a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page. Qualified employers are encouraged to routinely review these resources for the latest information. The FAQ page will continue to be updated as additional information becomes available.