IMPORTANT from the NYS Council – Member Survey

September 13, 2023

The NYS Council urges all members to fill out the survey at this link:    The information we collect from our members will be used (in the aggregate) to strengthen our state budget and legislative requests as we move into the budget making season. As you will see, we are requesting information that will help us make the strongest arguments for our state budget priorities as previously identified by our members.  These include (but are not limited to):

  • Address the Workforce Crisis 
  • Carve out mental health and substance use disorder services from Medicaid managed care
  • Implement Strategic Rate Reform
  • Implement / increase Regulatory Relief

Linked here is a pdf file that contains the survey questions. It may be helpful to you as you gather responses from various parts of your organization. Having said this, we would ask that when you are ready to do so, please enter your final responses to the questions on the survey via the link noted above.

If you have any questions regarding any part of the survey, please feel free to reach out to Cindy Levernois at:  or to Lauri Cole at:

We know your time is valuable!  Thank you for prioritizing this important exercise.  Please complete the survey by September 25, 2023.