Important Legal Update for NYS Council Members

March 18, 2023

On October 28, 2022, the NYS Council kicked off a series of contracting training events for our members with a webinar facilitated by NYS Council contracting consultant Adam Falcone on the topic of antitrust laws and their implications for mental health and substance use disorder providers.  A recording of the webinar along with the PowerPoint Adam used is posted on our website in the ‘Members Only’ section where we archive NYS Council communications and recordings/slides, etc. from recent training events.

Last month the Department of Justice (DoJ) withdrew several Policy Statements that for decades have provided ‘safety zones’ (for providers and other impacted parties) for sharing and exchanging information.  I asked Adam to prepare a memo for our members that looks at the potential implications of the Feb. 3 action by DoJ.

Please see the attached Memo and let me know if you would benefit from a follow up call with Adam so we can explore this topic further during one of our upcoming Thursday morning NYS Council Member Support and Public Policy calls.

Note:  Our Website is located at:  If you need a User Name and Password to access the resources mentioned above, please write to Cindy Levernois at: and request credentials so you can access the Members Only section of our website.