Info and News of the Day for NYS Council members

July 20, 2023

1) State of Politics:  How Tough Will New York’s Next Budget Really Be?  (7/20)
2) State of Politics, New Panel Will Address Criminal Justice Policies   (7/19)–new-panel-will-review-criminal-justice-policies

3) Regarding the NYRX Program:  Please see the attached NYRx Program Review Notice: What Pharmacy Providers and Prescribers Need to Know.

(Please pass on to Prescribers, CMOs/Medical Director, and Entitlement Coordinators/Advocates in your agency)

4)  OASAS:  

Dear OASAS Providers: 

We are offering an OASAS Office Hour Webex call on Friday July 21, 2023, from 11:00am – 12:00 PM, to review how to fill in an expense report and address any questions in “real time” for providers with SAPT supplemental funded Workforce, Stabilization, Primary Prevention Infrastructure and/or Youth Club House contracts.  These contracts ended on June 14, 2023, and providers have had 45 days to submit their FINAL accurate expense reports with supporting documentation to receive reimbursement payments. This 45-day period ends on July 29, 2023. Therefore, OASAS is holding this time to address any questions providers may have about filling out expense reports correctly to receive reimbursement – specifically for Workforce, Stabilization, Primary Prevention Infrastructure and/or Youth Club House contracts.  

Please remember to submit any questions to the COVIDFunds Mailbox:, including your provider number, initiative name and/or contract number in the subject.

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+1-518-549-0500 US (English Menu) 
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