January 12, 2022
Good morning,
1) At the following link: https://www.phe.gov/emergency/news/healthactions/phe/Pages/default.asp you can track various federal Public Health Emergencies (PHE) that have been declared by the Biden Administration over the past year. As many of you know, the federal PHE is extended in 90 day increments and the next expiration date is sometime this week (some reputable sites say the 13th, others say the 16th). In any case, we have our eyes peeled for any news of another extension and we will transmit this information to you as soon as it becomes available.
2) I attended a call for National Council Association Executives yesterday and the issue of the CCBHC Expansion Grant RFP that we have been waiting for since the end of December was top of mind for many reps. National Council staff who are in contact with SAMHSA CCBHC leads confirmed that the coming RFP will be open to those Expansion Grant awardees whose funding is scheduled to expire in April 2022 as well as those who are applying for an Expansion Grant for the first time. However, there is no date certain for release of the RFP according to SAMHSA officials so we must watch and wait. The state agencies are acutely aware of provider concerns in instances where funding runs out shortly and they too have been speaking with SAMHSA leads regularly, but they are getting the same message that there is no set in stone date for the RFP release. They are just encouraging state agency leads to watch the website. I know this is incredibly frustrating for everyone. I have my nose to the ground searching for a bit of concrete news and will let you know as soon as there is more clarity.