Letter from BH Advocates in Support of CCBHC-D Program

January 8, 2023

Attached please find the final group sign-on letter we coordinated and sent to Governor Hochul and others last week, in support of massive expansion of the CCBHC-D Program.

Refresher:  In early September, we began to press state leaders to take advantage of a recent decision by CMS that allows current CCBHC Demo states to expand the number of CCBHC-Demo clinics in their state.  We met with state leaders, shared lots of information about the CCBHC demonstration to include state and national outcomes data, and we addressed any pushback regarding our request for massive expansion.  In November, we submitted proposed budget language to the Governor’s representatives, that would require the state to open the CCBHC-D Program to any eligible provider, and in December we issued a Financial Analysis we commissioned from HMA that makes the case for vast expansion of the Program (attached for your convenience).

We continue to meet with state leaders, speak to media outlets and push our peer associations to support vast expansion of the Demo Program.  Of course, we are anxious to see whether Governor Hochul mentions the Executive’s intentions to expand the demonstration program in NYS. in her State of the State (SOS) address on Tuesday.  Of course, no mention of an expansion in the SOS does not mean a proposal seeking expansion could be included in the upcoming executive budget release.  

Stand by.

———- Forwarded message ———
From: Lauri Cole <lauri@nyscouncil.orgDate: Tue, Jan 3, 2023 at 2:39 PM
Subject: Letter from BH Advocates

Good afternoon:

Attached please find a group letter to Governor Hochul urging the Administration to include a proposal in the executive budget that would permit any eligible NYS behavioral health provider organization to participate in the federal CCBHC Demonstration Program.

As always, thank you for your consideration of our request.
Happy New Year to all.