November 21, 2023
The NYS Council has learned that there is an upgrade to Grants Gateway that is going to take place on January 8, so DASNY is going to push up the deadline to January 7, 2024. If all NICIP funds are not committed within that time frame, DASNY will reopen after the blackout period. It is currently unclear how long the blackout period will last, but (based on information I just received) if you are planning to apply you should do so ASAP as there appears to be strong interest for NICIP funds. This will be communicated through official channels by DASNY.
Check it out! Just heard back from the Governor’s Office (again) and the RFP was just updated!!!
From the updated RFP (updated moments ago):
For the purposes of this RFA the following organizations are deemed not to be human services organizations offering direct services and are not eligible to apply for a NICIP grant:
- Colleges and universities
- Elementary and secondary schools, whether public or private
- Hospitals, nursing homes, and diagnostic and treatment centers authorized under Article 28 of the New York State Public Health Law
- Fire departments
- Libraries, museums, theatres, parks, or gardens
- Organizations whose primary function is fundraising
- Organizations whose primary function is lobbying or advocacy
- Organizations whose primary function is volunteer recruitment and placement
- Membership or umbrella organizations that provide services to another organization and not directly to an individual/family or groups of individuals/families
- Organizations that provide services to another organization but not directly to an individual/family or groups of individuals/families
- Organizations that are the Performing Provider System lead for a Delivery System Reform Incentive Payment Program (DSRIP) network