Notes from 3:00 OMH & OASAS Webinar re: Concierge Vaccination Program operated by ‘O’ agencies

February 10, 2021

Please note:  This Program is intended to assist providers and staff with gaining access to a vaccine IF the staff or client is eligible for a vaccine based on DOH priority populations guidelines that apply to all New Yorkers. 

State Calling New ‘Concierge’ Service to Help OMH and OASAS staff and clients (who may be eligible for the vaccine according to DoH Priority Population guidance) the ‘OLOV’ Vaccination Program     (O-Agency Link-Outreach-Vaccinate (OLOV) Program)

The state is expanding vaccination services (beyond vaccinating state operated programs) to voluntary provider organizations. But this only applies to staff and clients who are currently eligible for the vaccine based on priority populations guidance issued by NYS via DOH general guidelines.   For these individuals, state will enable access to vaccinations any way possible.

State has identified hubs – 8 Psychiatric Centers that are receiving the bulk of vaccinations coming into the state system.  There are 5 in NYC, 5 Rest of State although all Psych Centers can help if a provider needs to go to a site that is not a designated ‘hub’.

This new program will assist OMH and OASAS provider organizations (staff and clients).

Notes on Eligibility for the Vaccine:   If a clinician plans to do any in-person, face-to-face services at any point in the near future, they are eligible. But if they intend to remain remote-only, they are technically not eligible.  Also included are OASAS Prevention staff/providers who have face-to-face contact as part of their jobs. This was noted in OASAS guidance issued when outpatient providers became eligible.  Finally, staff and clients in OMH or OASAS ‘support services’ are included.  (Example CFTSS services) and finally, for Scatter Site Supported Housing Programs (regardless of where funding is coming from) only staff are eligible unless of course clients are over 65 or (beginning 2/15), they meet the requirements for qualifying chronic conditions that put them at significant risk with conditions including COPD, Cancer, Diabetes 1 or 2, etc.

Agency Outreach Approach
Using data based on multi-agency, multi provider survey providers are asked to fill out, state creates a workbook that lists every provider and includes the numbers of people (staff, clients) that remain unvaccinated.  All agencies are rank ordered.  State staff will call provider agency, stating that it appears the agency still has many people who need vaccination.  State outreach person will offer to help to get agency linked with one of the vaccination sites and also help you problem solve around transportation, paperwork, etc.  If you are over an hour away from one of the Psych Centers state may be able to assign a mobile team to come to your site.  You do not need to call the state – the state will call you if you are an agency where the data indicates you should be prioritized.  Note:  Your Agency Vaccination Data Collection System is program-specific; there is not a general website. Your program director, as listed in MHPD (OMH) or PDS (OASAS) is receiving the link if your program is currently part of the system. OMH and OASAS website page open as of tomorrow, 2/11 here:

On the day of vaccination, must follow all of state’s COVID guidelines, etc. so people must wear face masks.  State will provide reminder emails to agency and will provide site directions.  All entering must go through a temperature screen.  Staff and clients who get first shot at a state site must be committed go back to get second shot at same site and will receive a card (after receiving the first vaccine) with date for second shot and lists which vaccine was provided to client or staff.

If provider has an urgent need to get vaccinations for staff and clients, reach out to Field Offices for assistance and to connect with an outreach team member.