May 3, 2022
Here are a couple of updates related to the opportunities for public comment on NY’s application for an amendment to the Medicaid 1115 Waiver:
- The deadline for submitting written comments on the waiver amendment application has been moved from May 13 to May 20. You can submit your public comments by email to
- There was some confusion today about how people who did not register to testify at today’s public hearing could watch the webcast. If you wish to watch the webcast of the second public hearing on May 10, register at this link (despite the language that speaks to people wishing to testify). Here are the instructions for those wishing to testify (with clarifying language inserted):
- Individuals who wish to provide comment at the hearing will need to register with an “SP” in front of their name (ex: SP Jane Doe) in the subject line of an email to no later than May 9, 2022 at 4pm to confirm registration.
The NYS Council is in the midst of preparing draft testimony for us to share at the public hearing coming up on May 10 AND we are preparing for comments on the proposed waiver for submission no later than May 20.
Watch for more information, updates and materials as the public comment process continues. Do not hesitate to reach out with your questions.