NYS Council Advocacy: Senator Gillibrand on the needs of mental health and substance use disorder/addiction providers

November 20, 2020

As advocates across the state continue to meet with state lawmakers and members of the Executive and DOB, we are also fully engaged with our Senators and Congressional representatives in Washington DC.  We continue to press for resources to address the deep and far reaching needs of the individuals we serve and the field that is there for them.  We are heartened by the efforts of Senator Gillibrand (more below).

In the days ahead we will need all hands on deck as the state budget making process continues and lawmakers in Washington continue to push and pull over the issue of an immediate and robust emergency stimulus bill.

The NYS Council continues to work with our colleagues at the National Council, calling on all federal lawmakers to include $40B (the number was $38.5 about six months ago) specifically for mental health and substance use disorder providers.

Here’s more:  Gillibrand calls for substance abuse, mental health support in future COVID relief bills | WRGB