November 28, 2022
New York State Council members,
In our continuing efforts to provide our members high quality training and technical assistance that increases their knowledge and strengthens their leverage in transactions with health plans/MCOs, next month the NYS Council will host a two-part training series that takes an in-depth look at the payer/provider contracting process with health plans/MCOs and others. This series is designed to ensure you have the required skills and information necessary to negotiate from a position of strength, and to identify and address contracting red flags.
Additional details about the training, including dates, times, agenda, as well as registration details are included below:
Training Details
The training will be presented by Adam Falcone, Partner, Feldesman Tucker Leifer Fidell (FTLF), LLP. Adam represents many NYS Council member agencies, and has been our one and only (NYS Council) contracting consultant for over a decade.
- Part 1 – December 7 from 9 am – 12 pm
- Part II – December 14 from 9 am – 12 pm
Please Note: This is not a general overview or a quick look at the contracting process. This two-part series is highly specific. The intended audience is key member agency staff responsible for contracting with payers.
Topics to be discussed include but are not limited to:
- Payer Contracting Strategies
- Determining Leverage Points (Legal, Market Power, Timing)
- How to Read and Evaluate a Payer Contract
- Negotiating Tips and Tactics
- Joint Negotiations
- Value-Based Payment Arrangements
- Claims Payment Issues and Resolution Strategies
- Key Contracting Terms and Legal Protections
Registration Details
All training programs will be held via Zoom. We encourage you to register early and to gather together to participate in the trainings. The maximum number of registrants from each NYS Council agency is 4.
**The Zoom link will be sent to your identified agency contact 48 hours in advance of the meeting start time. We will send the Part I event link to your agency contact via email on Monday, December 5 at 10:00 a.m., and the Part II event link will go out to your agency contact on Monday, December 12 at 10:00 a.m. This is a NYS Council ‘Members Only’ event. As such, we ask that you not share the Zoom link with anyone outside of your agency.
To register for the training, please send the following information to Cindy Levernois at by December 4. Please put “Contracting Training” in the subject line of your email. You will receive a confirmation email acknowledging receipt of your registration once it is received.
- Name of Agency
- Contact Person Name
- Contact Person Email – to receive Zoom link email 48 hours prior to events
- Names of all attendees
The NYS Council is providing this no-cost training series as part of a larger ongoing effort to increase your knowledge and update your skills to match today’s highly complex contracting and legal environment. If you missed our recent ‘Antitrust Laws” training with Adam Falcone, the slide deck is on our Website at: in the section called ‘Events’ under ’Archived Events’.
If you have any questions about the training details, please contact Lauri Cole at or at 518-461-8200. If you have any questions about the registration details, please contact Cindy Levernois at
About Our Presenter
Adam J. Falcone is a partner in FTLF’s national health law practice group, where he counsels a diverse spectrum of community-based organizations that render health care and social services, as well as their state and national membership associations. Adam counsels clients on a wide range of health law issues, with a focus on fraud and abuse, reimbursement and payment, and antitrust and competition matters. [Full Bio]