NYS COUNCIL FOLLOW UP: Question raised during (weekly)
Thursday Morning Public Policy call

August 5, 2021

Good afternoon,

THANK YOU to all NYS Council members who attended our weekly NYS Council Member Support and Public Policy call this morning.  Many important discussions continue to take place at these meetings and I invite those of you who have not made our Thursday morning calls a habit yet to do so.  I think you will find they are well worth 45 minutes of your time each week.

One of the conversations this morning was about what happens to the Executive Orders Governor Cuomo has issued during his time in office if the Governor resigns or is impeached and removed from office?  For instance, does Executive Order 38 (Executive Compensation) stand?  Is it rescinded?

Thanks are due to Marcy Savage our government relations consultant who did some research and shared the following information in response to the question raised during the meeting (below):

(From Reid, McNally and Savage, our government relations consultants)

In response to your members’ question today, we have confirmed that new Governor’s do have the authority and ability to review and make decisions about whether to renew/modify/suspend Executive Orders issued by the prior Governor.  Below is EO 2 under Governor Cuomo which demonstrates his actions in this regard after he took office:
Cuomo EO 2 (Executive Orders Continued from Previous Administrations)

Main takeaway from this discussion?  For instance, regarding EO 38 (Executive Compensation) the information (above) could present an opportunity for a new Governor to consider modifying or suspending it.

More to follow.