NYS Council Web Page for Latest Coronavirus/COVID-19 Agency Guidance & Additional Resources

March 16, 2020

Good afternoon,

We’ve added a new web page to our NYS Council Website (www.nyscouncil.org) where you can find links to the latest guidance and other information from OMH, OASAS, DoH, DFS, the National Council and other sources regarding the ongoing Coronavirus emergency.

Please note:  Some of the information relevant to our members who serve children and youth or who operate shelters can be found in the DoH section.  We haven’t seen much from OCFS or OTDA specifically but we will add sections for both once we start receiving information from them.

If you have a moment and want to provide us feedback around how we might better organize this info, please do!  Drop me a note at:  lauri@nyscouncil.org

Here’s a link to the NYS Coronavirus/COVID-19 Webpage on our site:


Note:  If you can’t access the page for some reason please contact Cindy for technical assistance at: cindy@nyscouncil.org
