NYS Council Workgroups: New Opportunity!

November 3, 2023

The NYS Council is pleased to announce the formation of another member-driven Workgroup – the NYS Council Regulatory Affairs Workgroup.  We will host the first meeting of this new Group on Thursday, November 30.  The Workgroup will meet (at a minimum) monthly, depending on the preferences of workgroup members.

The NYS Council’s new Regulatory Affairs Workgroup may include:

1) Reviewing proposed regulations (new or amended) promulgated by relevant state agencies/regulators, and assist staff with the formation of written comments for submission to the relevant agency;

2) Collecting data and analyzing costs associated with current regulatory requirements, and make recommendations to the relevant regulator regarding ways to save scarce resources and re-focus staff expertise on the continued provision of high quality services;

3) Leading the statewide discussion regarding the need for regulatory changes / regulatory relief to address duplicative or burdensome administrative, operational, clinical demands and unfunded mandates that create inefficiencies or delay access to / continuity of care for the individuals we serve.

If you would like to participate in this new Workgroup, please send an email to Cindy Levernois, NYS Council Director for Communications and Member Services at:cindy@nyscouncil.org   and ask to be added to the Regulatory Affairs Workgroup list.  We will send more information, including Zoom meeting access information and the agenda for our first meeting, on November 17.