OASAS: Enhanced FMAP Workforce Funding
Expenditure Reporting Template

December 16, 2022

Dear OASAS Providers:

This notice applies only to providers of Part 820 services and/or freestanding Part 822 services.  All other providers may ignore this.  Part 820 and/or 822 providers that have opted out of the EFMAP rate enhancements may also ignore this.

Attached please find an Excel file that contains a template for the reporting of workforce funding expenditure that you received in your Part 820/822 rates as part of the 11-1-21 to 6-30-22 Enhanced Federal Medical Assistance Percentage (EFMAP) temporary rate increases.

The attached file allows for the reporting of multiple years of incurred expenses.  All expenses must be incurred by March 31, 2024 and reported in association with the fiscal year(s) in which they were incurred.  The file is due back to OASAS 120 days after the end of each/any reporting year in which expenses were incurred.  Directions for completing the file can be found in the Excel file itself.  If you operate both 820 and 822 services, you must submit the file separately for each service.  Return the completed file(s) to:


Before submitting the files, rename them using this convention (spaces in files names are permissible):

Provider Name agency code service type – date of submission

For example:

Helping Hand Addiction Services 07891 822 – 4-15-23

If you need to submit more than once in a day (due to an error), add v2 to the second file name.

Please address any questions to alan.maughan@oasas.ny.gov.

Thank you.

Communications Department

NYS Office of Addiction Services and Supports (OASAS)