August 6, 2020
NYS Council members,
Please read note below from OASAS General Counsel indicating ‘withhold’ amount has been adjusted to 20%.
Earlier today, OASAS notified all affected counties that an adjustment of the July quarterly advance payment has been calculated. The notification includes a worksheet which presents a summary of all actions related to the calculation of the July quarterly advance including the adjustment of the temporary withhold to 20 percent and any subsequent payment that may result.
We appreciate your patience as we worked through this difficult process. Counties with questions related to the calculation or payment should contact Bureau of Provider Monitoring and Funding at: 518-457-5553. Providers with specific inquiries should reach out to their Regional Office program managers.
Thank you
Trisha R. Schell-Guy
Acting General Counsel
NYS Office of Alcoholism &
Substance Abuse Services
Albany, NY 12203-3526
(518) 485-2312