OASAS on Credentialing Changes

October 2, 2023

As of 9/26/23, OASAS Part 853 Credentialing of Addictions Professionals Regulations have been updated (see attached ‘Quick Guide’ document).  

We took some quick notes during the OASAS Webinar on this topic on 9/26 and then we posted many of the slides from the Webinar on our Website in the “Communications” section dated 9/26.  It is our understanding the Webinar will be the subject of an upcoming “Learning Thursday”.   If you need a UserName and Password to access the members only areas of our Website, please write to Cindy Levernois at:  cindy@nyscouncil.org and request credentials. 

Brief notes from recent OASAS Webinar:

OASAS has implemented a new online Credentialing Management System – all forms/transactions will be online. No more paper. You can submit applications, make payments, view reviewer summaries (no longer calling them ‘deficiencies’) through the portal – using NY.gov.  Will also allow direct communication between applicant and reviewer. 

-New CASAC Provisional Certificate (to serve Bachelors and Masters level staff)
-For CASAC T and CASAC Pthere will be a one time 3-year extension available to fulfill CASAC requirements
-Applications can be paid by check or through online portal
-5 year clock to obtain a credential from the point of initial review of application
-One time training requirements no longer fixed topics – will change based on changes in field
-OASAS has simplified the renewal process for attestations of hours and ethical conduct
-Will allow for reinstatement of credential when credential has expired
-Online credentialing management system will allow all credentialing to occur through a portal so no more paper applications and will allow direct communication between applicant and reviewer.


CASAC P is the equivalent to a CASAC Trainee so no need to have both credentials – they are exactly the same however, the path to obtain these two credentials is different.  Will still need one time mandatory requirements to obtain CASAC P – can consult easy drop down in the system.   Again,  “T” and “P” are exactly the same in terms of scope of practice. 

New regs will allow you to be eligible (if you are exam eligible) for a one-time 3 year extension on your certificate (if it has lapsed).  If you have an intern and they graduate – new rules will allow you to retain them so they can stay and you can hire them.  

CASAC Provisional review – as long as everything is submitted and ‘in’, review will be relatively quick. Will still need a background check. 

No longer need an evaluation when you renew your credential however will need to sign an attestation.  No longer need to sign your certificates stating you completed training although OASAS will be conducting audits.  Late fee is a one-time $50 fe

Transcript from the Webinar ‘Chat’

from Tracy Shafir to Everyone:    9:37  AM
If you were previously issued an extension on your CASAC-Trainee you cannot request another extension.

from Dean Hale-NYS OASAS to Everyone:    9:44  AM
This webinar will be posted as a Learning Thursday in the coming weeks.

from Shyla Dauria to Everyone:    9:45  AM

from Shyla Dauria to Everyone:    9:48  AM
Reinstatement is a $400 fee, $500 if you are renewing dual Credentials within the same year

from Shyla Dauria to Everyone:    9:48  AM
You can update your email by emailing the Credentialing mailbox with your new information or use the Credentialing page to update your information

from Shyla Dauria to Everyone:    9:53  AM
Yes you can hold both a CASAC and a CPP simultaneously. In this case, you are considered to hold a Dual Credential

from Shyla Dauria to Everyone:    9:53  AM
If you previously inactivated, you will need to Reinstate your Credential