OASAS Supplemental Funding Information Session

October 25, 2021

Following is a communication I just received from Constance Burke at OASAS.  Please read the note carefully.

For your convenience, I have bolded very important information in the note.  


Good afternoon,

Thank you for sharing information with your provider groups regarding the SAPT Supplemental funding made available to date.  Providers have contacted us and referred to the messaging sent by their respective trade association so we know your efforts are assisting to bring folks up to speed on the available dollars.  We want to keep you and providers up to date as we continue with the important work of getting dollars to the field.   I want to provide a quick update and alert you to another communication mechanism we are putting in place this week.

In evaluating the rollout of the Stabilization and Workforce dollars under the SAPT Supplemental funding opportunities, we noted about a third of the eligible providers under Workforce did not respond to the survey we sent on 9/22 despite a second send.  We will reach out to each non-respondent to alert them to the funding and the steps needed to access the dollars.  For the providers who submitted budgets, the OASAS Contracts team is processing contracts to go out this week for signature and contacting providers who submitted some, but not all documentation needed to execute contracts.  We have received a relatively small number of budgets from providers up to this point and want to eliminate any barriers to provider participation.        

To that end, OASAS will hold a weekly SAPT Supplemental Information call starting Thursday, 10/28 at 9:00 a.m.  During this time we will update providers on project status, address barriers to provider participation and answer questions from the field. 

Please join us starting this Thursday and share the information below with your members.  (I know the sound quality was an issue during the information session we held two weeks ago, and we will not have that issue during the upcoming calls.) 



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