April 7, 2022
Good afternoon,
1) Senate Deputy Majority Leader Mike Gianaris announced that some budget bills will begin to flow this afternoon, and lawmakers are expected to work through the night to pass them. Stand by for more.
2) Last week, OASAS sent the Notice (below) to all OASAS providers. The Notice did not include links to where the regs with proposed changes are located. Here’s the link: https://oasas.ny.gov/legal?f%5B0%5D=filter_term%3A231 Notes: Scroll down the page until you see the section marked ‘LEGAL” where the regs in question are located. Underlined words indicate words/phrases proposed for addition whereas language proposed for omission has a line drawn through it.
Subject: OASAS proposed regulations
Dear Providers,
OASAS has proposed amendments to the below regulations posted on the OASAS website and is accepting public comments. We urge all providers to review proposed amendments to regulations and submit comments by the appropriate date to Carmelita Cruz at Carmelita.Cruz@oasas.ny.gov.
Part 800 OASAS Treatment Services: General Provisions
Part 815 Patient Rights
Part 816 Substance Use Disorder Withdrawal and Stabilization Services
Part 817 Substance Use Disorder Residential Rehabilitation Services for Youth
Part 818 Substance Use Disorder Inpatient Rehabilitation Services
Part 819 Chemical Dependence Residential Services
Part 820 Residential Services
Part 822 General Service Standards for Substance Use Disorder Outpatient Programs
Part 830 Designated Services
Part 836 Incident Reporting in OASAS Certified, Licensed, Funded or Operated Services
Thank you,
Communications Department
NYS Office of Addiction Services and Supports (OASAS)