OASAS Workforce Development/Training Funding

September 19, 2021

Sunday Update:  Here are the new documents posted to the OASAS website on Friday (see link and attached)


Note:  All 3 documents are relevant however Attachment C tells providers how they can spend the money.  I am told more documents will be posted on Monday.

Friday Update:

Good evening,

A very wonderful NYS Council member agency CEO just called to give me a heads up that I wanted to pass on to everyone.

Earlier today OASAS sent out an email that went to the CEO or Executive Director of those OASAS providers that are eligible for the first round of Workforce Development/Training grant funds.   Last week, OASAS sent a more general email to eligible providers, informing the agency that it was eligible and foreshadowing what to expect.  The email sent today from OASAS is much more specific.

We have removed the provider specific survey from the email pasted (below) but please note that you must click on your survey in the email you received today to see your award amount.

Not sure if anything went out from OMH today.  If someone received a similar email from OMH please share!


From: oasas.sm.COVIDFunds [mailto:COVIDFunds@oasas.ny.gov]
Subject: SAPT Supplemental Workforce Development/Training Funding Opportunity

Dear OASAS Provider,

Through the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration SAPT Supplemental funding opportunity OASAS is providing non-proprietary prevention, treatment and recovery service providers Workforce Development/Training awards.  Below are links to information you should review regarding this funding opportunity including the amount awarded and next steps you must complete to accept this award.

Please review the Terms and Conditions, Scope of Work, and Budget documents which can be found on the OASAS Supplemental Block Grant page at: https://oasas.ny.gov/supplemental-funding-opportunities.

To respond to this opportunity you will need to follow the link below and complete a brief survey to indicate your acceptance and confirm information needed for contracting.  Before completing the survey, please be sure to have the following information available to enter into the survey:

·       Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN)

·       NYS Charities Registration Number (if applicable)

·       Grants Gateway Document Vault

·       SFS Supplier ID Number

You must complete the survey by 10/1/2021 in order to receive funding.  The link below is specific to each provider number.  Please do not forward. 

After completing the survey, submit a completed Budget and the Vendor Responsibility Questionnaire (found on the OASAS Procurements webpage) to:  COVIDFunds@oasas.ny.gov.

Any questions related to this communication should be sent to COVIDFunds@oasas.ny.gov.