February 17, 2022
Last week we told you that Governor Hochul recently eased some of the universal mask requirements initiated in September.
Update based on our questions posed to OMH and OASAS:
OMH Response: Requirements remain in effect for all healthcare providers that operate inpatient, outpatient or congregate residential programs that are licensed, certified, or funded by the Office of Mental Health as well as hospitals, facilities, corrections-based programs, and residential programs operated by OMH. Apparently the emergency guidance (attached) from OMH remains in effect for another 60 days (based on a communication from OMH dated 2/15)
OASAS response: For OASAS Programs and Services, I was told that nothing has changed and that the OASAS Medical Director is closely monitoring guidance from the CDC.
For your convenience, see related documents from OASAS and OMH.