OMH C-SPOA Overview & Q&A

February 2, 2023

Attached please find 11 documents discussed or referenced during a webinar hosted by Families Together of NYS featuring representatives from OMH who reviewed the new C-SPOA referral process and took questions regarding the same.  Note:  The attachments include a recording of webinar.

New Youth ACRTF Map 06.29.22

rtf-program-info-for-caregivers FINAL

rtf-program-info-for-referring-providers FINAL

ccr-program-info-for-referring-providers FINAL


Childrens Community Residences Map 07.20.22

ccr-program-info-for-caregivers Spanish

Redesign ppt for FTNYS 1.31.23

ccr-program-info-for-caregivers FINAL

forms and zoom recordring 1.31.23

T, CCR, RTF Application Infographic FINAL